Tuesday, October 20, 2009

something real

this guy is - Scrawny, racistic, smoking too much, non-romantic, a bit ginger, messy, smuggy, forgetful, nationalist, boozer, kinda homophobic and most important, he's mine C:
No OC this time, but a real guy. i still can't believe i got him, him of all people.
i have a feeling this relationship is gonna be quite good, at least in comparison with all my previous experiences.

oh yeah, i really like him, maybe even like like him, a lot C:>

because he's- funny, militarist, airsoft player, not-a-prettie-but-i-like-his-look-a-lot (especially his jaw and nose), we've got very similiar tastes, he's nice and kind to me and likes me

posting this kinda feels like spamming, since i rarely talk about very personal stuff here (even tho i originally wanted to) but i'm all happi and excited about it, so gotta share :3

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