Sunday, October 05, 2008


just FUCK FUCK FUCK fuck... i'm really pissed off now, dunno exactly why.
but there are some new ppl around me and they're unwittingly fucking up my mind. i feel angrier than before.. befoooore
before i started playing airsoft. that's it. but hey, i like those people there, i really do, but i really cannot handle some shit that's going on there. i mean.. all those malicious gossips (those guys are even worse than chicks, i'd never believe that if i haven't seen it with my own eyes) and .. fuck.. no.. i mean.. five guys, c'moon. for more than two years, nobody showed at least a little interest in me (i mean, in the lovey-dovey way) and suddenly i've got five guys to choose from? FUCK THAT

i just want some nice and good bf that would like me for what i am and not because of ... alcohol(this one is quite a fuckster), his sucky marriage, dunnowhat, my mysteriousness (wtf) or momentum. one even said that he would love to fuck me. yeah he did, pretty gutsy, ey?

oh jeez, does english have any other foul word than "fuck"? =_=

well, so all this and on top of that school, which is not easy either. .
still pissed off. geez, now i wish i could take a cigarette (i don't smoke though), inhale deeply and then blow the smoke into one concrete person's face

ok, here's a pic too, because i'm a friggin artist right?
just a WIP, but i guess i won't finish it, at least not now.

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